Identity & Vision
Projects / Greentree Advisors - Branding, Identity & Website
Brand Identity
Brand Collateral
Digital Strategy
Bespoke Website
Engagement & Marketing

Having worked with us on their original brand a decade ago, the team at Greentree Advisors were in need of a refresh. The team wanted a brand that was more appealing to a younger, more vibrant audience, though also a brand that felt more invigorating and inspiring to themselves as a team.

We worked closely with Greentree to reimagine their brand identity, refine their market positioning, update their brand, and create a new website and online presence that left their team and customers more engaged than ever.

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A new direction

As we worked through their band identity and market positioning, the team at Greentree realised they were after a bigger change than just visuals. Once their new identity was ready the team moved offices, launched their new brand, and reinvented themselves from the ground up.
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Get Started
Whether you want to reposition your brand, automate your workflow or better engage with your audiences, it all starts with a great kōrero and conversation.