A Website for Everyone
Projects / Mental Health Foundation - Content Driven Website
Brand Identity
Brand Collateral
Digital Strategy
Bespoke Website

As more people turn to online tools and resources for support, it was critical for the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand to ensure their website, content, and online resources were as accessible and relevant as possible.

With hundreds of thousands of Kiwi’s visiting their website every year and more than a thousand pages of managed content, we worked with MHF to create a content-driven website that had a robust set of authoring tools, and was optimised for a range of accessibility factors across devices and internet connections.

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Access for everyone

From tradies to parents and whānau, to tamariki and professionals and everyone in-between - our most important challenge working with MHF was to build a website that all of Aotearoa would be able to use. We first worked with MHF on their digital identity and brand collateral, and then worked closely with their team to make their content more accessible and enjoyable than ever. We're privileged to support their vision of a society free from discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental health & wellbeing.
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Get Started
Whether you want to reposition your brand, automate your workflow or better engage with your audiences, it all starts with a great kōrero and conversation.